Why I use Circulating Tumour Cells test

CTCs were first discovered in 1869 – yes, that long ago! Their critical role in the progression of cancer to metastasis is undisputable. However, CTCs are rare – there may only be a single CTC amongst millions of blood cells. The establishment of a...

Candida albicans: how bad can it get?”

This infection can become really bad. Normally, this opportunistic fungus Candida albicans is a harmless member of the microbial community that occupies the human gut. However, when the immune system is not able to keep it at bay, it  can cause oral thrush and, more...

What is hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is common worldwide.  An estimated 170 million individuals worldwide including an estimated 250,000 in Canada are infected. Hepatitis C is spread through blood-to-blood contact, which means that to contract hepatitis C, blood infected with the hepatitis C...

Cancer diagnosis and stress. What to do about it

Have you just been diagnosed with cancer? Do you know somebody who has been diagnosed with cancer? Is anxiety, fear, disbelief and distress affecting you right now? In a 2015 human clinical study conducted Aboalela et al and published in PLos One, a large group of...

Men, Myths and Misinformation

There are six common misconceptions about men’s hormones. Let’s take a look at them: Myth #1: The primary symptom of low testosterone is erectile dysfunction or low libido. FALSE: Though low or sub optimal testosterone levels can contribute to changes in...