
My name is Jenny. I am delighted to have been able to work with Manuela to deal with a diagnosis of breast cancer. Through her and her excellent network and resources I was able to have treatments and supplements to work with my personal situation. 8 weeks later I am so happy to now be on the other side of a very scary place. Blood tests and scans show that the cancer has gone. Indeed in this time of the virus all the immune boosting is perfect. Exactly what is needed! I am deeply grateful to Manuela. Thank you for helping me heal! YES!    Jenny – April 2020

 My name is Nicole. I’ve been very fortunate to be working with Manuela for the last 3 years. Manuela brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to many healing protocols, however Manuela has been my strength and guide through a colorectal cancer diagnosis in 2015 by taking an integrative approach to this healing. I chose not to go down the normal channels of chemotherapy and while still being monitored conventionally after a malignant tumor was removed from my sigmoid colon, I decided to approach my healing as a whole body experience, not just treat the symptom. When I first started with Manuela, I was so excited as she too shared my view on a holistic approach. Manuela’s warmth, understanding and encouragement has helped considerably in my journey. She has brought a calming presence to the many consultations I have had with her, particularly when I have been a little stressed or worried in the earlier stage of my treatment. By monitoring my CTC (circulating tumour cell markers) adding particular herbs, nutrition and lowering stress has been the savior to bringing my markers down. Vitamin C therapy and hyperthermia was also a saving grace that my body thrived on. At the Cassia Clinic where I received this specific treatment for a total of 3 weeks was scary initially but an overall rewarding experience as I got to work with so many dedicated individuals in a warm and calming environment. Over the last year, we have moved onto a more management plan, markers are still looking promising and I feel wonderful. Thank you, Manuela, from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done and continue to do for me and my family xx   Nicole – April 2020

Before I spoke with Manuela about my cancer I was confused, scared and searching for someone who would consider my body together with my questions. My choice to have Manuela’s direction changed my healing journey immediately. In speaking with her on an initial phone consult, from remote WA, I was granted stillness to honour healing my body, and secondly I was empowered. I felt safe and protected, not just emotionally, but with every cell in my body. Manuela produced a personalised regime to heal the cancer (triple negative breast cancer) throughout my body holistically. Appointments were spread over three different clinics, with Manuela’s administration staff helping immensely to structure these with ease and kindness. I was supported and nourished through each appointment. Manuela has helped me navigate a path which best suits my body without having to make decisions based on fear. I only felt more empowered after each meeting with Manuela and each of her staff. Being in Manuela’s presence is inspiring while she explains in detail the science behind disease and healing. I’m currently cancer free and doing ongoing work with Manuela to work on root causes of my cancer. I am still learning and loving this journey now that I have the right support beside me.  Bianca   Sept 2018

Dear Manuela, thank you very much for help. You are very kind and encouraging and have incredible, helpful knowledge and I really appreciate that you are so easy to talk with.  I also appreciated your kind words during our consultations. It has been quite a journey and I am thankful that the ‘treatment’ part is over and I can start on the next part of building myself up again and detoxing and trying that new diet you mentioned.  It sounds like fun….having lots of energy again! Kind regards, Gina ?”

My name is Michelle. Manuela is a Master in her trade and I cannot recommend her highly enough.  She has been my saving grace. In 2018 I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer – Due to my mother passing only 6 months prior to my own diagnosis with a similar breast cancer I decided to have a double mastectomy.  After watching my mother go through her own breast cancer battle for 16 years and the toll that conventional medicine had on her  I had decided to ask all the questions that she didn’t and look a lot deeper into our family history and also my own lifestyle and wellbeing –  especially when I found that conventional medicine had no real answers past chemotherapy, radiation and tamoxifen. I was floored.  And I was left with a gut feeling there had to be more. After the mastectomy I started my wellness journey with diet, psychology and exercise plus nutritional support for the first few months and then thanks to a referral 6 months down the track I was guided towards meeting Manuela.  I loved that Manuela took 2 hours that first visit to ‘listen to me’ – something I felt no one had really done up until that moment.  She assured me, made me feel secure in her knowledge and the path ahead that she would then guide me to.  I walked out of my first interview feeling satisfied for the first time since my diagnosis and that my gut feeling was correct – (there was definitely a lot more that could be done).  Manuela guided me to a path of treatments, diet and supplements for a period of 7 weeks My cancer markers have significantly decreased and I intend to be and stay cancer-free

My husband has been dealing with an overactive thyroid for a few years now and he also developed a goitre. He managed to keep his thyroid under control with diet and supplements but he was starting to lose muscle and this was directly due to his thyroid so we made the decision to have it removed as well as the goitre. It came as a complete shock to us when the doctor said they found a 4cm tumour inside the goitre, a biopsy had never picked it up previously. It was a traumatic time as we only went in for a routine surgery to then being offered radiation and radioactive iodine as treatments. We did all the treatments as well and they said we just had to wait for 6 months to see if everything was ok. Well we decided we didn’t want to just wait and that’s when we learnt of Manuela. Manuela was amazing giving us both big hugs and put us at ease even from our first visit which she spent so much time with us and explaining all of the tests and what her recommendations were, we did all the therapies that  Manuela recommended which included Vit C as well as hyperthermia and oxygen therapy which was all so beneficial. We did this for 6 weeks and my husband was feeling pretty energetic and relaxed a much different experience compared to the hospital treatments. Working alongside the endocrinologist, Manuela has been able to integrate natural therapies alongside conventional treatments too and what we really appreciate is the balance between both treatments. Six months later and after the CT scan things are heading in the right direction and initially the endocrinologist recommendation was to have more treatment but after seeing the results she said it was not needed so it was a great result for us. Diet has also been a big part of Manuela’s treatments and avoiding sugars and eating much more plant based has really helped along with Supplements and Manuela’s secret brew which my husband has daily. His energy levels are much better and has lost over 10 kilos which has been a boost to his health. We will continue to work with Manuela and the endocrinologist to have the positive results. We value Manuela’s input and trust she has our best interests. If you do choose to work with Manuela you will be in great hands! Thanks again Manuela for everything you do and for your caring and personable nature. Sophie C xx

My name is Juan. A 37 y/o father of a magnificent 4 year old and married to the most beautiful Polish women ever. Have been diagnosed with a Neurocytoma of the Central Nervous  System and have been having Skype sessions with Manuela for treatment and Diet, and how to overcome this thing called Cancer. I have also been to her Clinic in The Gold Coast, for alternative treatments and it was great, felt great, and gave me huge boost  to keep on going. I started treatment about  a year ago with Manuela. Changing my diet and rethinking and establishing what I cold eat or Not, the type of natural nutritional supplements and herbal drinks that I should take to increase immunity levels to help fight back the Cancer. Since I have been working with Manuela my life style has taken an entirely different approach as to how to fight back with nutrition and balance of oils and minerals from nature.New hope and feeling more in control of my life has given me more strength to keep on going strong in life. Contacting Manuela has probably been the reason of my health improvement and very good life style at the moment, Thank you for that. Thank you!

Hi my name is Teonie, my Mum Ronda has been seeing Manuela for the past 2 months since finding her on The Truth About Cancer docuseries. Mum was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with multiple metastasis in May which shook our family to the core. The very word cancer incites despair, whether from past experience or from the absolute death sentence that “conventional” medicine wants you to believe it is. From the very beginning Manuela was able to put our minds at ease. She took ample time to explain what was happening with Mum and what we could do to overcome this illness. Because overcome it, you can! The latest scans indicate tumour shrinkage and the reduction of cancer markers! Manuela has been an endless source of information and support and most importantly, she has given us hope and for that I will be ever grateful.

My name is Barbara and I was diagnosed mesothelioma of the right pleural cavity, a terminal cancer, several months ago. When I was diagnosed, my world changed.  To be told you have anything cancer is horrific at best, to be told its terminal, “nothing we can do”, your life is shattered, your guts ripped apart, you hit the ground and keep going through it! I’m not kidding you, it has to be one of the most personal and horrific ordeals anybody is faced with, what do I do?? So, I took control, of my life, my health, my feelings. I had been referred to Manuela from a distant relative, and at the same time, was watching The Truth About Cancer series. I had my appointment the day before Manuela’s appearance, so in my husband and I went, shaken, stirred, flattened to the ground, but what I heard made the tears clear for us both.  “Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence”!!! Manuela nurtured us both actually at that moment, she held my hand, hugged us both, and said ‘well, we have a fight to take on, we can do it, let’s get started”, and we did.  I started immediately on my tonic, can I say I love it..YES! Not for its taste, Nooo, but for what it’s able to do in the body! I took on being responsible for my health care. I took control of me, myself & I. Manuela guided me through everything. Well, here I am, its now coming up to 8 months, past the date given by the specialist and the surgeon, I AM WELL! I am the best I have been in many years in fact. I had the first 6 month follow-up tests done in February, which showed that there had been NO CHANGE since diagnosis! My bloods were showing a healthy woman!!! I felt like I was flying, I had energy plus, felt extremely well, and very happy. Manuela explained to me just what the body had to do to get this first confirmation of no changes, that my body had been fighting, and its due to the tonic, the diet, the supplements, the continuous support from my husband, friends, & Manuela (who has become part of the woodwork in the family). Please, put your care team together, take charge of your health rights, take charge of you. Accept that for whatever reason your body is where it is, deal with it, DON’T OWN IT, and move onwards, set your goals and fight for them, because YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!!

My name is Jim I have prostate cancer, I have had treatment and been clear for 7 years. Six months ago on my usual yearly check my p.s.a rose. I went back 3 months later and it had increased again. Rather than going back on the hormone injections which had awful side effects  I chose to visit Manuela. This was on the advice of my daughter who is a hairdresser and had heard of positive outcomes from two of her clients. I have religiously followed the diet recommended and taken the herbal mixture. On visiting my doctor on Monday my  p.s.a. reading has gone down so no need for further treatment at this stage —– IT HAS WORKED. I will keep following the diet and  don’t go back to the oncologist for 4 months. I am very positive.

My name is Jenny and I am a Naturopath in regional NSW, Australia. I have been married for several years and thought that due to our lifestyle, my husband and I were immune from severe disease. It was a real shock to learn that my husband had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I reached out to seek the advice of Manuela and would like to recognise her great professional care during this stressful time. Giving my husband a second chance at life was the greatest gift I have ever received. I am ecstatic that he will be able to live a terrific life with my husband. This whole experience of cancer being so close to our family has truly given me a firsthand feel of how precious life is.

My name is Diane. My husband Stuart was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer metastatic to the liver. The MD gave Stuart the “all clear” this morning and then we spoke (phone consultation) with Manuela Boyle – the expert in integrative oncology on the Gold Coast we have been under, whom we heard about through watching the DVD series (mentioned below) – this afternoon. She has been our primary health care professional from the beginning of Stuart’s brush with cancer. Manuela gave Stuart the total “all clear” as well. I had emailed the test results to her after receiving them from the doctor this morning. She is absolutely stoked! Said she was going to break open the champagne!! What an absolute champion she is! It was a total miracle that we were able to get into see her so very quickly. God truly “made our path clear” in this. Gallbladder cancer is very rare (so rare it is not covered by Medicare!!) and aggressive and, together with the metastasis to the liver, Stuart was given 6 months by the hospital doctors in February/March 2016. We praise God for already preparing us with “The Truth About Cancer” DVDs last year so when Stuart was told this bad news this year we knew that, with different treatment and living “in Him” (Rev Peter Tamsett’s message (directly from God to us!!) at the end of January – Gilgandra NSW Presbyterian – when we were en route home from Whyalla), he would come through. Honestly we never expected the first “cancer clear” would only be 6 weeks later with no allopathic intervention at all except the endoscopic removal of the gallstone stuck in his bile duct on the 8th February – and now, in 4 months, a total “all clear”. No need for any further extreme natural therapies to reactivate his immune system either just continuing to build it up on the course he is on although he can relax a whole lot of what he was doing. We pray we will never totally go back to old bad nutrition and lifestyle habits – not that we were ever totally off course either and to keep stress levels down, which was the catalyst in this. Our lifestyle is now is sooo much better! Hallelujah!! Stuart is still building up the muscle tone he lost and he is regaining strength daily. Again – hallelujah!!!

My name is Steve. Fifteen months ago my wife Del was knocking on heaven’s door and according to all the medical experts, it was a one-way ticket. Her blood cancer count was over 670,000, the spread of cancers were so large and numerous that her stomach had been squashed ‘pancake flat”, and at best the oncologist felt that she had a few months left. The two main cancers were both 15cms long and thriving. My wife was given a round of significantly heavy chemotherapy that also killed her. She was so sick that we had to interrupt the treatment. Instead we went and see Manuela. Slowly but consistently my wife regained energy and well being. The diet and lifestyle changes, with a careful selection of medicinal herbs and oils made an amazing difference. We fed the immune system daily. Oxygen therapy was also introduced wot much advantage. The full program was applied and she continues on a life of joy. She was supposed to die within a few weeks. She is still here with all of us, a brilliant artist that she is. After a 9 month treatment, Del is completely cancer free.

My name is Leo. In June of 2005 I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer with a PSA reading of 260. For the first ten years after diagnosis I maintained a good quality of life with diet, exercise and supplementation together with intermittent and, later, continuous hormone therapy (zoladex)  In 2012 the cancer was spreading locally to bladder and bowel and so I had radiotherapy (IMRT). The PSA started to rise significantly in mid 2015. I heard about Manuela via the Truth About Cancer and have had regular skype consultations since November last year. She put me on a programme involving selected herbal extracts, a ketogenic diet and also advised about other targeted supplements. Progress was slowed by having to have a TURP operation in March 2016. There were multiple trips to ED with blocked catheters. Pain in legs and sacroiliac joints and fatigue had also started to become a problem. I visited Manuela at the Cassia Clinic in June 2016 and had 9 doses of intravenous vitamin C and also two hyperthermia sessions. At that time the PSA was 1440 ( had been 1690 prior to going to visit her). The decrease of the PSA continued on steadily and it is now a miraculous 5.2.  Obviously it is early days and time needs to elapse before it can be said to be full remission. I have no doubt that Manuela’s programme has contributed significantly to this result. I understand that with natural healing as opposed to conventional medicine the situation can get worse before it gets better as it appears to have done in my case. I have the utmost admiration for Manuela. Her knowledge, experience and professionalism are beyond reproach not to mention her determined and caring nature.  She has always encouraged an integrative (with conventional medicine) approach to my treatment and was encouraging me to go on arbiraterone some months before I did . I am pain free and feel the best I  have felt in years for which I am truly grateful.

My name is Doris.  At the insistence of a friend I watched part of the TV series “The Truth about Cancer”. Manuela Boyle appeared at the end, and I was attracted by her unassuming manner and practical approach, saying that her treatments had to be “tweaked” to suit the individual. I decided then and there to consult her as I had fourth stage breast cancer which was metastasizing in my lungs, and I wanted to hold back the progress of the disease as much as possible. I looked up the website and contacted Manuela, and after two Skype interviews and surgery to remove a new tumour I booked four weeks’ treatment at her clinic on the Gold Coast. 
When I arrived there I was warmly welcomed by Manuela. The clinic seemed to me to be run  very professionally. I was treated with kindness and consideration for the whole time I was there. When I returned home and had a CT scan it was clear of tumours, a very encouraging sign. Manuela has given me hope for an unexpected extension of life. Thank you!

My husband was diagnosed with a high-grade Glioma – malignant brain tumour on the 23/12/15 at age 32.  This was a sudden diagnosis following a grand-mal seizure a month earlier.  No prior medical issues or symptoms. The news was devastating for our young family especially since we were told by a team of neurosurgeons that the tumour is inoperable and that conventional treatment would only buy him a bit more time. At this point, I needed to act quickly as the prognosis was not good.  Following successful surgery performed by Professor Charlie Teo (Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney) we were reluctant to go down the road of radiation and chemotherapy so we went to see Manuela on the Gold Coast. After the initial consultation with Manuela we left feeling full of optimism and hope.  Her professional knowledge together with her caring nature has been invaluable along our journey.  She has been instrumental in giving day-to-day living advice to achieve optimal health and mental wellbeing.  My husband has gone from strength to strength and is now in remission.  Back to life as we knew it, thanks to our team who are ‘heaven sent.’

My name is Patrice. I have always considered myself to be a healthy, strong person.  I ate well, hardly ever having takeouts, with salads at each evening meal.  I was a busy hard working person at the age of 61 when this happened … running my in-home care business, enjoying providing excellence in caring for the elderly and proud to be offering my 16 caregivers fulfilling gainful employment. I have always been a “doer” who stood up for others, especially those being bullied or simply ignored.  I found both my family and working life very satisfying. A work colleague mentioned at lunch that I looked tired, and I passed it off as my busy lifestyle and maybe also that I thought I may have another UTI.  I promised her I would visit a doctor.  The doctors appointment had me leaving his office with the advice to purchase some “degas” for my tummy, but he also was wise enough to give me a referral for a pelvic and abdominal scan. With the urging of my friend I went and had the scans 1st February 2014.  A mass was observed on my left ovary the size of a small melon.  On my return visit to the Dr he viewed the scan and asked my husband, Steve and I to leave his office while he made a few phone calls.  He had made an urgent appointment for me to see a Gynecologist who had helped his wife recently, for that very same day.  I was given a referral to get an urgent CT scan done, and to take the results straight away that same afternoon to the Gynecologist. This Doctor cut straight to the chase after a physical check and viewing of the CT scan advising she would not know what it was until after an operation to remove it. She then took us through all what that operation would entail and gained my approval to do what was necessary to remove.   It was Friday 7th February and I was booked to have the operation Wednesday 12th February.  Our first grandchild had been born the day before on 6th. The Doctor performed a complete debulking operation and the day after visited me to advise I had ovarian cancer stage 2C.  She also said I would need to do a course of chemotherapy to “mop up” what was left in the bloods.  I was shocked. I told her I did not want to do chemotherapy and would prefer my body heal itself using natural therapies.  She barked back at me “natural therapies do not work Patrice”.  My husband was there at the time, and we both felt intimidated and slightly bullied. She said she works with an Oncologist and that she would refer me to him for an appointment the next week.  I was in hospital for 7 days and visited this Doctor’s office on the Thursday following. This Doctor took us through the chemo regime he would be putting me on (weekly plaxitaxol and every second week plaxitaxol and carboplatin – for 18 weeks).  We were ushered into their information session along with others whereby someone spoke to us while we viewed a DVD on chemotherapy treatment.  I remember how proud they were of the fact the taxane used was derived from the bark of the yew tree! So begun my 18 weeks of chemo.  I was lucky in a way as I only completed 16 due to the fact my white blood count was so low, I had to have blood transfusions instead for two of them.  The whole procedure was demeaning, and had me feeling like a victim … helpless. I just seemed to be getting over it and then I had to go in for another treatment.  I hated the smell of it coming out of every pore and aperture of my body.  I was constantly constipated, and weak.  Of course my hair fell out and my feet and finger tips lost feeling.  The feeling has not returned.  I also have cataracts because of chemo. After chemo I did my best to regain my health and immune system.   I decided to have the mercury amalgams replaced in my mouth (12 in all) as well as 4 root canals removed.  Fast forward to May 2016, on one of my regular check-up with this Doctor I was told of a raised tumour indicator in a blood test I had never had before.  A CT scan was done and two tumours in my bowel, and one more in a lymph node nearby were diagnosed.   This oncologist appeared almost victorious when he pushed the results to my side of the desk claiming that I might be needing him again after all.  I guess I deserved that having boldly told him the past few check ups, that I would never have chemo again.  He said to Steve and I ….. “sorry to spoil your retirement”!   He wanted me straight back on chemo the very next week, with radiation therapy in between.  If I were to become chemo resistant I may qualify for an experimental drug program.  At any rate he told me I had a chronic illness that I would never get rid of, and the best they could do was this course of action, which may reduce the tumours by 50%.   I did say to him “why would I want to do that course if it had already proven unsuccessful, and it would kill my immune system, the very thing I needed to get well again!”  He had no answer and was very evasive when I asked him if he would do it if he were me.  My tumours were inoperable as well. I was so lucky as only a couple of weeks prior to this diagnosis I had bought the Ty Bollinger (The Truth about Cancer) Global Search series wherein I saw an interview with Manuela Boyle.  I said to Steve at the time that I would definitely contact her if I  had a return of my cancer.  I rang her immediately on the way home from the oncologist’s office and she kindly gave me a Skype meeting for that Saturday morning. Manuela talked me through the way in which she worked with natural remedies, and as a lot of what she spoke of, I had researched quite a bit already, I was encouraged and hopeful.  I immediately went on a ketogenic diet.  No sugar, potatoes, bread, pasta or packaged foods, just whole foods HFLC (high fat low cabs).  Manuela prescribed a myriad of different supplements along with a large bottle of herbal mixture, which we nicknamed her “witches brew”.  After a quick 10 days holiday in New Zealand to visit family, Steve and I set ourselves up on the Gold Coast so that I could have Vit C IV’s administered along with Hyperthermia treatment which took just over 3 weeks to complete.  I was lucky as both daughters visited us on separate weekends to break up our stay a little. Fast forward to January 2017.  Having been on this regime since mid May 2016, I was now ready for a CT scan again to see just how well I was doing.  I was very hopeful as I was feeling so very well with no sign of cancer.  Well … what a delightful surprise to have my CT scan read to me by Manuela on 17th January 2017 advising no sign of cancer in my body.  HIP HIP HOORAY!   Woo hoo!!   All I know is it is all heading in the right direction and we have proven the oncologist wrong.  I couldn’t be happier. My thanks and admiration go to Manuela, who gave me the belief, coaching and support to do this … I am so very grateful.

My name is Coral. I was diagnosed with breast cancer (E+ P+ and HR2+). After I was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer I did not know what to do, but what I did know is that traditional treatments of chemo etc was something that I was not contemplating, so I went on the search for a natural treatment. The moment I talked to  Manuela, I knew that coming over for treatment was the right thing for me to do. I will be forever grateful that following her regime of supplements, herbal tonics, IV Vit C, hyperthermia and diet has worked for me. I think I am still in shock that my last circulating tumour cells test was zero. Once again I would like to thank Manuela and her team from the bottom of my heart

Dear Manuela, I would like to thank you so much for the continued help and support you have given me during probably the most difficult time in my life. I was diagnosed with a very rare kind if cancer one year ago, on the 23rd May 2016, 4 days before I was to leave on an overseas holiday. With this rare gall bladder cancer, there is no chemo available that targets it. I would have chosen an alternative pathway anyway, but, in this case, I had no choice. I am so glad that I did. After following the protocols suggested by you I feel great at the moment and cancer is not something I really worry myself about. I still follow certain procedures but that is not difficult. I wake up every morning feeling so lucky that I found your health clinic. The genuine and caring support that I was shown to me Manuela is outstanding. When I had amazing results from my blood test I was overwhelmed to see the genuine joy and emotion that was displayed by you. Not many people survive this cancer but I guess I am one of the few. I am now leaving on my overseas holiday on the 1st June this year. I have also been lucky enough to see my twin grandchildren enter the world and the birth of another new little grandson. My life is amazing and I could not be happier because of you and the positive support I was given.  I have total confidence in being monitored by your clinic in the future to continue on my path to wellness.  Sincere thanks to all concerned Frances

My name is Michele I was 56  when I was diagnosed with squamous cell esophageal cancer. After having chemo-radiation, an extensive esophagectomy operation then chemo, I was advised not to take any form of vitamins or supplements while receiving this treatment. As a result I lost  all my hair, had no appetite due to food losing it’s taste, having to take medications for reflux & nausea pain killers. My diet had become very minimal due to the pain most foods would cause me due to the operation. While receiving Chemo-radiation I ended up in hospital for a week unable to complete my full course of Chemo. During & months after all this treatment I had no energy & felt rundown, tiered & depressed. Two years later I have been diagnosed Terminal & that now main stream can only offer me Palliative Care. That is when I decided to look up Manuela Boyle after seeing her interview on “The Truth About Cancer”. I finished my Chemo-radiation in Dec 2016 while under the care of Manuela the difference between this time & last were like night & day! I retained my hair & my taste for food everything still tasted great! I didn’t lose my appetite I stayed out of hospital & was able to have my fill course of radiation & chemo. It wasn’t until the end of my treatment I started feeling tired & now I would never consider any mainstream treatments without the assistance of Manuela. I would also like to add I had no other medications like painkillers, nausea tablets, or acid reflux tablets & haven’t felt depressed.  The results of my last PET scan speak volumes as I was told I had a 30% chance that the chemo & radiation would shrink the tumor or lymph node & that Chemo alone would do nothing. I had one tumor that received the radiation which meant that the lymph node which only received chemo should have spread! Instead the Tumor has shrunk less half the size & here is no sign of the lymph node! I couldn’t have hoped for a better result & can’t speak highly enough of Manuela, needless to say I am still under her care & would recommend her to anyone diagnosed with cancer, it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made

My name is Rhonda and I was diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma. I am writing just a brief note to thanks Manuela for all that she has done for me. Manuela’s support & knowledge has been wonderful. I am so happy to have such great results from my treatments. I am also so grateful to her staff  who were so helpful & kind with all my visits. Once again thank you I will always be grateful & would recommend your treatments

(My name is Sophie and I was diagnosed with breast cancer). Dear Manuela, A heartfelt thank you. When I first came to see you, I was fraught with fear.  You guided me with a gentle strength and helped me connect back with the trust I have in my body’s ability to heal.  You shared your knowledge in easy to understand language, and offered comprehensive health tests that allowed me to better grasp what was going on and take back control of my health. For me, this personal re-empowerment around my health was an important aspect of my healing. Knowing the steps I could take for myself, plus the health optimising treatment choices you offer and your emotional support has helped bring me back to a state of health, for which I am very grateful. I hope you continue to spread your knowledge and gifts far and wide Manuela! Thank you…simple words that mean so much…to you and your wonderful team. xx Sophie xx

My name is Andy.  I was diagnosed with non small cell adenocarcinoma lung cancer stage IV in 2008.  I had a lobectomy followed by 6 months of chemotherapy with no remission. Four years later, the cancer grew bigger and I was put on maintenance chemotherapy. After almost three years on this treatments I decided to stop it. I felt that my body was slowly deteriorating because of the chemotherapy. A few months later, one of my vocal cords became paralysed, making it extremely difficult for me to talk. One year later the cancer grew bigger and my wife started researching for integrative oncology options and found Manuela. I had previous treatments in Australia for 5 weeks but the cancer was still growing. Manuela suggested to me to get treatments overseas at an integrative oncology clinic where she consults. After effectively 2 weeks of treatments my voice has significantly improved. From the first time I met Manuela, she promised she will use all of her vast knowledge and many years of experience to help me beat the cancer. Her determination gives me confidence and her caring attitude towards her patients is comforting. 

I was diagnosed with cancer of the right breast (invasive carcinoma grade 3, ER 40%) at age 69. My name is Silvana. Within 3 days I was in surgery for a lumpectomy. I was offered the standard practice of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After researching I decided that chemo and radiotherapy were not producing effective results, so I opted for natural treatment. The oncologist said that natural therapies do not work and that the chemo was necessary to kill any other cancer that was left in the blood. With the help of Manuela my treatment included fasting, ketogenic diet and supplements. My blood test showed no cancer cells. I would like to thank Manuela for her all support and knowledge. May God bless you.

Yesterday marked one year since I had my last Chemotherapy. I just wanted to thank you, Manuela, for your support and wisdom in helping me get through that period relatively unscathed. I was never sick, and actually felt really good overall, and I have you to thank for that. I just wish I had the courage to have said no to chemo to begin with! So much respect, thanks again for your help with everything, you’re an amazing person and practitioner! Rebecca

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